SAWP Checklist For Ontario

SAWP Checklist

  • Fill out and submit the LMIA application via Service Canada’s new LMIA Online portal:
  • FARMS must be the third party on the online LMIA application to submit the application to FARMS.
  • When uploading the worker names, use the FARMS summary for names/requested dates of workers or alphabetical list by worker last name with worker codes
  • Approved housing and water sample (for private sources) MUST have an inspection date no longer than 8 months prior to submission of the LMIA application.
  • Call F.A.R.M.S. at 1-866-271-0862 to pay the administration fee of $50.00 + $6.50 H.S.T. for a total of $56.50 per worker for direct arrivals and transfers (Ontario Employers). Cancelled vacancies are non-refundable. 
  • Submit LMIA application to FARMS via LMIA Online portal with all required documents 14 weeks in advance of arrival date
  • Government Job Bank advertising plus one other source – mandatory to send copies of Job Bank and secondary ads and dates ad appeared with LMIA (*SEE SAWP NEWS, ADVERTISEMENT WAIVER until JUNE 30, 2025)
  • Have you advertised for at least 14 days in the last 3 months? E.g. kijiji or online job sites, newspaper, local stores or employment centres.
  • Did you indicate the names of all sources of advertising, Job Bank number, dates and duration of advertising, and INSERT results on page 7 of the LMIA application?
  • Did you include BOTH copies of ads? Do ads state the wage rate, start date, duties, job location, experience/education required/not required,  “full time” or at least 40 hours or more per week? (Advice: keep experience requirement to a minimum if experience is needed)
  • Does wage rate on ads match your LMIA application?

Please keep in mind that the participating countries and the Canadian immigration offices abroad need additional time to process orders and document workers.