Agricultural Stream Program

Procedures for Barbados

Ken Mason

Consul/Chief Liaison Officer
Bus: (416) 214-9825
Fax:(416) 214-9826

Shirley Wall-Mayers

Assistant Liaison Officer


Barbados Liaison Service
110 Sheppard Avenue East
Suite 205
North York  ON  M2N 6Y8

Procedures for Eastern Caribbean Countries

Olaf Fontanelle

Chief Liaison Officer
Cell : 416-579-4662

ECLS Office

Bus: (416) 222-1988


1 Concord Gate, Suite 303,Toronto,Ontario M3C 3N6

Procedures for Jamaica

Janice Andrews Christon

Senior Liaison Officer 

Phone & Fax

Bus: 416-733-4359
Fax: 416-733-0023
Cell: 647-464-5101

Procedures for Guatemala

1. F.A.R.M.S. requires the Agricultural Stream Appointment of Representative form and credit card authorization form to be completed and returned to our office.

2. Place LMIA Application via LMIA Online here and submit to Service Canada for approval.

3. Once approved, please forward the positive LMIA decision letter and employment contract to Comuguate in Guatemala.

4. Comuguate will provide worker names to the employer (when required).

5. Employer must submit the names of the workers to Service Canada to add to the LMIA to obtain a final positive LMIA decision.

6. Once employer receives the positive LMIA Decision letter with all named positions, employer must email the LMIA and the Ag Stream Supplement for LMIAs form to F.A.R.M.S. at and to Comuguate.

7. F.A.R.M.S. administration fee is $55.00 + HST. per worker (direct arrivals/renewals in Canada). Administration fee is due upon receipt of the LMIA at FARMS. The administration fees for cancelled vacancies are NON-REFUNDABLE.

8. F.A.R.M.S. sends Comuguate and CanAg Travel the final LMIA details with a requested travel date.

9. Once travel date has been confirmed, CanAg Travel will contact the employer to arrange ground transportation. Fees for this service vary depending on where employer is.

10. CanAg meets worker at the airport and facilitates worker movement through Customs and Immigration and gets them through Pearson Airport onwards to bus connections or local pick-up.

11. If a worker disappears off the farm or doesn’t show up for work, please contact the F.A.R.M.S. office and Comuguate so worker can be declared AWOL with authorities.


Procedures for Mexico

  1. F.A.R.M.S. requires the Agricultural Stream Appointment of Representative form and credit card authorization form to be completed and returned to our office.
  2. Place LMIA Application via LMIA Online here and submit to Service Canada for approval.
  3. Once completed, please forward the LMIA and employment contract to Working Link.
  4. Working Link will send names of workers to the employer (when required).
  5. Employer must submit the names of the workers to Service Canada to obtain a final positive LMIA decision.
  6. Once employer receives the positive LMIA Decision letter, employer must email the LMIA and the Ag Stream Supplement for LMIAs form to F.A.R.M.S. at and to Working Link.
  7. F.A.R.M.S. administration fee is $55.00 + HST. per worker (direct arrivals/renewals in Canada). Administration fee is due upon receipt of the LMIA at FARMS. The administration fees for cancelled vacancies are NON-REFUNDABLE.
  8. Once a travel date has been confirmed, CanAg Travel will contact the employer to arrange ground transportation. Fees for this service vary depending on where employer is.
  9. CanAg meets worker at the airport and facilitates worker movement through Customs and Immigration and gets them through Pearson Airport onwards to bus connections or local pick-up.
  10. If a worker disappears off the farm or doesn’t show up for work, please contact the F.A.R.M.S. office and Working Link so worker can be declared AWOL with authorities.

Procedures for Ecuador

Please Contact:
Maria Fernanada Navas Iturralde
Director of the Circular Migration Office
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility
Phone: +593-2 299-3200 ext: 16320


Consulate Contact Information:
Marco A Torres Jaramillo
99 Bank Street, Suite 230
Ottawa, ON
Tel: (613) 563 8206
Fax: (613) 235-5776


The Ag Stream Supplement for LMIA’s is a F.A.R.M.S. initiated form which is to be used as a supplement to the approved LMIA. It is designed to be used to identify and provide the necessary information to F.A.R.M.S. for worker(s) named on the LMIA.

Please click here for the Adobe version of the form

Please click here for the Excel version of the form